
 Why Vote?

Legislators and elected officials create the policies that shape every facet of our lives; they influence how we allocate resources and respond to a wide range of issues, including (but certainly not limited to): education, healthcare, the environment, civil rights, the criminal justice system, taxes, transportation, and infrastructure. As a student and young adult, these factors may influence your life in unique ways that only you can most powerfully and accurately speak to. One of the most effective ways to elevate your voice and ensure that governance accounts for and reflects your needs is to vote. 

While most of the focus in 2022 has centered around the general election, local elections are incredibly important. Municipal, county, and state contests have a large influence on representation, policy, and governance in their respective areas. Go here to find out more about your local and national candidates.

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Voting in Medford and Somerville


Please note that whenever you MOVE, you must RE-REGISTER at your new address in order to be considered eligible.


Am I eligible to vote in Massachusetts?

To vote in Massachusetts, you must have:

  1. The last four digits of your social security number to register with a paper form 

  2. A Massachusetts issued ID, license, or any other printed identification which contains the voter's name and address to register online

How do I register to vote?

To check your registration in the state of Massachusetts, register at your new address, or register as a new voter, click here! You must register 20 days before any primary or election.

Note that if you do not have an ID issued by the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles, you’ll have to register by mail. Follow the link below for more information and access to the registration form.


What should my on-campus voter registration address look like? 


These are the address-related fields you’re required to fill out on the Massachusetts voter registration form. If you live in an on-campus dorm, you’d put the address of the dorm in the “Street number” and “Street name” sections, and the correct town / zip code in the corresponding fields. Your room number would go in the “Unit or Apt” number. Use TurboVote to help you fill out these address fields— it can auto-fill the address if you enter a dorm name and can clarify whether you’re situated in Medford or Somerville.

You can also find a list of dorms and their street addresses here.

This registration address is distinct from your mailing address. If you want election forms (mail-in ballots, applications, etc) sent to an on-campus address, you should use this address format, as indicated by Tufts Mailing Services. The address format below should not be used for registration in Massachusetts; this is exclusively your Tufts mailing address:

Full Name

Residence Hall & Room#

Tufts University

c/o 389 Boston Ave

Medford, MA 02155


Mailing Information






Phone: 617-625-6600 x 4200

Fax: 617-625-5643

Email: nsalerno@somervillema.gov

Website: www.somervillema.gov





Phone: 781-393-2491

Fax: 781-391-1895

Email: ahurtubise@medford-ma.gov

Website: www.medford.org



Important Dates for Voting Locally (MA)

Updated 9/11/22

For the general election on Nov 8, 2022

Register by Oct 29, 2022

Absentee ballot request forms due by Nov 1, 2022 at 5pm

Absentee ballot must be postmarked by election day (Nov 8th) and received by 5pm on the third day after election day.

Early voting October 22 - November 4


In 2016, 63.2% of eligible Tufts students voted.

From 2014 to 2018, Tufts students more than doubled their midterm voter turnout rate. In 2022, JumboVote is working to achieve another large increase in student participation.


A message from Tufts University President Anthony Monaco encouraging community members to vote and be civically engaged


Vote by Mail